Written Song…

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A collection of thoughts
Rambling on to try and keep up
Pressure rising and heart rate falling
You try too hard to hold onto something
That is just not there
Pressure rising and heart rate falling
No longer making memories
Forcing yourself upon the story
Not all situations are already written
Can’t follow a script based on a true story
Pressure rising and heart rate falling
Stressing yourself out to force the issue
Life is not a novel it is barely a script
Let it be and see what it becomes
Pressure rising and heart rate falling
You try too hard to hold onto something
That is just not there
Squeezing the life out of old memories
Focusing on the sadness and despair
Understand the loneliness you press upon
Backwards glance of what you thought was there
Dragging the drama until no one cares
Your victim mentality doesn’t separate the anxiety
No one wants to sit in your chair
On the edge of a cliff inside your head
Wasting time when there’s so much life out there

Poetry Collections “Teething On Concrete” and “Other Things From This Time…” are available on Amazon.

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